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Position:Home>Dancing> Benji Schwimmer so you think you can dance?

Question:from which season he joined the tv show so you think you can dance?
and who other boys where with Benji in the same season?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: from which season he joined the tv show so you think you can dance?
and who other boys where with Benji in the same season?

Season Two:

Stanislav Savich
Jason Williams
Jaymz Tuaileva
Ben Susak
Ryan Rankine

Benji was in Season 2 with Travis and Dmitri.

He was season 2 along with Travis, Ivan, Demetri...thats all I can think of right now but if I remember others I'll edit this.

Ew, haha, not offense but Ivan was horrible!!!!
he joined last last year. he came to our studio one time and taught us swing. he is So funny and he rox!!! he got a new haircut that is shaved with a design