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Position:Home>Dancing> Should I start ballroom dancing at age 13?

Question:I have been doing ballet for years and have done jazz and tap so I have a good dancing background.
I would really like to do ballroom dancing now. I was wandering if you think its too early or too late to start?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been doing ballet for years and have done jazz and tap so I have a good dancing background.
I would really like to do ballroom dancing now. I was wandering if you think its too early or too late to start?

Get started if you're interested in it. It's not too late, you are very good age to start if you want to be a professional competitive dancer. It's not too early either. Many childern who later become professionals start when they are 6 or 7 years old. But your previous training in ballet and jazz will most definitely compensate for it, no worries. Jonathan Roberts from Dancing With the Stars (USA) started when he was 21, but he's an exception not the rule.
If you don't intend to compete or perform then yeah, it's too early.

i would love to ballroom dance - maybe - but its a fine time i think!

Get started!!! If you have all that other experience, you should be able to pick up on ballroom dancing in no time. Keep up all the hard work!!

dude, the answer is simple
if you want to do something, do it
life's short, do what you want!

its never too early to start

Your still so young and if it's something you want to do there's no hurt in trying and I say go for it. If you don't enjoy well than atleast you tried and you never know you might be amazing at it. So good luck.

go for it! julie hough, on dancing w/ the stars, started ballroom at 9 or 10 yrs old.

I started ballroom when I was 13 after 8 1/2 years of tap

The sooner you start any dance class, the better! It is a skill yuo can use all your life- why wait?