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Question:does any1 have any tips on pirouttes or a la seconde turn (second turns)?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does any1 have any tips on pirouttes or a la seconde turn (second turns)?

1. hold in your stomach
2. stand up tall
3.make sure you have a good preparation ( arms in place, don't wind up too much)
5. keep all your weight between your big toe and your 2nd toe.

and what i think the most helpful is that when you turn, to help you balance, push your toes to the ground. and focus on staying up.
good luck.

Use your strong abs and be completely straight and upright. Also, develop deep appriciation for spotting. Use your momentum to keep spinning. Basic techniques like this are most important.

If you hold in your stomach, that makes pirouettes a lot easier.
Always have something to spot when you turn around. And make sure you have space so you don't get hurt.
Hope these little points could help!

Stand tall and hold your stomach tight

Have a strong sense of balance and position. Tell your body where it is going to be placed. Push from your deepest plie then go straight to releve. Use your abdomen to help keep your body from wiggling around, remember shoulders down, and lock your hips in a turned out (for ballet) position. Make sure your arms are firm but not too tense. Having a quick spot will help tremendously. For a la seconde turns make sure you open and close your arms/ plie when you are en face (facing the front...or the direction you are spotting), and make sure both your supporting and working legs are turned out. The working leg in a la seconde turns should also remain at the same level. When pulling in to a pirouette to finish, take a nice plie and lift the knee up and in to passe to help control your momentum.
Good luck, turning is so much fun!!!

hold in your stomach, pull up from your center like there is a string attatched to your head pulling you up. Prep is always important for momentum for my hip hop/jazz class we do kick ball change pirouette. For lyrical and ballet we do tondu plie turn. Which ever genre your doing depends on how you prepare. When you are doing the plie for the ballet pirouette make sure that both your heals are on the ground using that plie to really get you turning. Last but not least, keeping your balance. Balancing is not when you are pulling up and staying as still as possible. When you balance you should push as hard as you can on the ground while making little micro movements to keep you balanced. Balance really will make you turn faster and longer. Also-and this is something i learned from the Anaheim Ballet Podcast- your shoulders should be directly over your hips and your hips directly over your feet so if you were to take a line and put it at your shoulders you would see a resmblence to the straight line going down your body. Allways spot if you are not good at spotting i best learn from Cha?nés turns or a three-step turn but what ever really works for you. I know you probobly just ment turning and not a whole lesson on pirouettes but i hope i helped any ways i too am still struggling with pirouettes but these tips really did help me.

p.s. make sure to keep your arms nice and round

You need to pull yourself up !

The pull up (stretches) begins with breathing in tighten and pull your diaphragm and at the same time pull up the calf muscle and through the quadriceps continuing through the abdomen diaphragm shoulders neck, chin and head.

Visualize the pull ups and practice the breathing then try it for yourself. Pulling upwards lengthens your body and gives you the perfect place to begin the pirouettes.

Well my teacher always tells me to imagine there's a string coming out of your head that is pulling you up as you go around. And also hold your arms very strong and it should help. Good luck!