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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to go to the school dance but I'm such a HORRIBLE dancer!?

Question:I was asked and I want to go but I would feel so awkward not dancing.... or doing a really awkward dance. Any advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was asked and I want to go but I would feel so awkward not dancing.... or doing a really awkward dance. Any advice?

Well you dont have to be a good dancer so long as you can ACT
Just be cool, hold yourself with confidance. Go with the music. Just act like the best hotest thing around and you will be.

Advice is kinda hard without being able to show you

Just go. Do you know how many people out of 100 are good dancers? MAYBE 30...max.

You are horrible because you've had no lessons. Everyone has to start someplace.

Here goes...just do your best. Some of the others won't be able to dance either. But they will have a good time. So what are you waiting for?

Haha. Don't worry an be yourself and you'll be fine! Nobody can really be a bad dancer!

You never know unless you try!

Well, I'm a dancer but that is only because I have been dancing since i was 2. And if you are freaking out because this is one of your first dances then dont be scared. nobody actually dances. just talks and hangs out.