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Position:Home>Dancing> Dancers- what ballet flats do you recommend?

Question:I need new ones desperately, and I want them to be good, but not too expensive. I've been dancing for 10 years, but have never had flats I really liked. Also, are split soles better than full soles?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need new ones desperately, and I want them to be good, but not too expensive. I've been dancing for 10 years, but have never had flats I really liked. Also, are split soles better than full soles?

I've recently been wearing canvas split sole and I love them! I was a little unsure of using the canvas as most people like leather but I decided to give it a shot anyway. Canvas is a billion times easier to clean (just chuck it in the wash).

I find that split soles are easier to dance in and if the floor is slippery, you are less likely to fall.

I wear these Sansha canvas split sole:

I find that Bloch camvas keeps its colour but I just prefer Sansha myself.

Bloch and Capezio makes a fantastic ballet shoe. Try all different brands to see which you like best! The shoe I like might not be the shoe for you!

Hope this helps :)

I prefer canvas split-soled flats. I find they show off my high arches better and allow more freedom of movement for my feet.

Then again, I also like to wear socks during barre because I hate not being able to feel the floor. :)

the best = canvas split sole.

it allows to show off your arch more and is also easier to turn and move in. and it doesn't squeak like leather does haha. when you point your toes, your toes lead the canvas with your toe...the leather kinda sticks out farther than your toe haha so i recommend canvas split sole...brand is whatever fits your feet best.

i use bloch and i also prefer split soles

i have always used leather full soled bloch flats, but i have just changed schools to one where you can wear any type of flat.
this is good because the floors are tarquette and they get so sticky in summer with leather shoes that you cant turn or anything with out hurting your feet.
i bought a pair of canvas split sole sansha shoes a few weeks ago and i LOVE them! they are very comfortable and they look great with cross over elastics. the split sole means i can point my foot more and they feel softer and i can flex and stretch the muscles more. they breathe more than leather and dont feel sticky and sweaty on the inside. i havent had a chance to try them out on the tarquette floor yet as we are on holidays, but they grip the floor well but still allow sliding and spinning easily.
i am never getting leather shoes again! and i love the split soles soo much!
the make is sansha pro, but i tried a few others on in the store like sansha sillouette which also seemed really nice and gave a good line, especially for narrow feet.

Well in my personal opinion Grishko id the best shoe. Canvas s[;it sole are the best because leather it takes a longer time to stretch out to fit your foot and full souls pule your feet down when you releve. The grishko shoes are around 13-15 dollars depending on which kind you get. Personally I've tried Bloch and Capezio and don't like them. You can order the shoes ay

Hope This Helps

I prefere split better than full sole. It makes it easier to ponit your toes and shows off the arch a lot better. I love capzio brand and I would say that aything you buy from them is a good deal for a great product.

def split sole canvas. look better, easier to dance in, easier to clean. My faves are sanshas, theyre not too expensive and they last a pretty long time, but grishkos are good ones too.

You have to try different pairs, before you know which is your favorite. I have only tried full soles, but the usual term is that split soles fits better or slimmer.
But try, before you by!

Full soles help you strenghthen your arch and split soles flatter the arch you have. I have hight beautiful arches and I always get split sole. I get leos brand "airabesque" canvas split sole shoes. I get mine at They are $12.80 a pair.

hope this help!!!!

Canvas split sole is what I always wear, I find them more comfortable then leather. But leather molds to your feet more than canvas, and full sole makes you work harder to pointe your feet.