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Position:Home>Dancing> FOR GUYS.. is is a HUGe turn off if a girl was a stripper?

Question:just dancing and stuff not having sex with people. what are your thought about girls who strip[ etc? all the details plz?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: just dancing and stuff not having sex with people. what are your thought about girls who strip[ etc? all the details plz?!

It depends what the guy is looking for and also the mentality of the woman. Many professional strippers have the same mentality as porn actresses or prostitutes, they despise men, they have no self respect and are completely cynical about everything concerning man-woman relationships. For them it's only business. The women's bathroom in a strip club is an abomination that makes it clear what these women are: dirty, destructive, wasteful...

However some women who fall on hard times -and many do- need to do some kind of sex work just to pay the rent or buy groceries and they do not become hardened like the pros. As soon as they can afford to leave the business they do.

A man should not automatically reject a woman who confesses she worked as a stripper, what matters is if she's decent and able to love.

Some women never did any of these nasty jobs but they have the mentality of prostitutes anyway.

IS a stripper i might be slightly uncomfortable with, personally. WAS a stripper doesn't matter. Just depends on the girl I guess.

I think it's way cool to hang out with strippers. However people, I would hesitate to tell my friends that I was hanging out with strippers because they might think I was gonna get an STD and give me ****. But you always have to do what makes you happy no matter what others think.

I think it would be a huge turn-on for most guys, at least in the abstract. The particulars may or may not work out so well.