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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you like dancers or cheerleaders better?

Question:okay tell me which one you like best.

even if you don't do either
anyone can answer which one they like better.

think about it!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay tell me which one you like best.

even if you don't do either
anyone can answer which one they like better.

think about it!!!

dance!!!!! lol im sorry cheerleaders but dance is more of a profession and dream and something real and emotional.

cheerleading is clapping and doing tricks. i have to admit that the tricks are hard...but dance has emotion and depth. we dance what we feel and communicate that with the crowd....cheerleaders can only have one emotion "cheery" and "peppy" and "happy". it's really limited and good for football games to keep spirit up. but anything wins definitally. im sorry if this offends lol but it's my opinion on the subject.

go dancers!!! Woo!!!! lol


cheerleaders are annoying

i like them both. i am both. u can mix dancing into cheer. they intertwine.

i agree with dancefloordisaster :)
sorry cheerleaders, even though, your tricks are awesome.
but i'm a dancer for effin life!!

Definitely dancers. Dancing is an art. Cheerleading is making noise.


I do ballet, i am an advanced student at a pre-professional program. I spend my summers at CPYB and ballet is just my thing. I love pointe and I love doing variations. I hate competition, I don't care for jazz and tap and such they can compete. But ballet is a classical art. So take off the glitter gel and fake eye lashes...unless you are columbine in the nutcracker.

Cheerleaders do "tricks" and "keep it in the box". Sure being on a team is fun, but ballet class you have girls and boys that become your family. Cheerleaders tend to be too squwat and stubby. Ballet dancers are lean and tall AND STRONG without the bulky muscles (we elongate our muscles by stretching). AND cheerleaders are getting uglier every year.

And why are the flyers always the fat ones. Aren't they supposed to be they can fly?

Yeah ballet!

Lol cheer leading looks SO much fun!
I love the film bring it on... And just for that, I'm going to say CHEERLEADERS !"!"!"!"!

I must be very annoying then. haha

PS... I'm meaning the dances cheerleaders do rather than the noise they make


Cheerleaders get on my nerves. I'm sorry, but there's just something very annoying about girls with glitter make up doing the splits and yelling.

However, I do think the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders are pretty cool. But over all I like dancers better.

dancers definetly. cheerleaders think too much of themselves and are very pridefull (not a good thing). i am not saying all of them are but the majority of them, yes. dancers have much more skill and rythem and thinks as everyone as equals. much better for emotional and physical health.

i like dancers cuz i am one lol. and because it is an art not a hobby