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Position:Home>Dancing> How'd you learn to dance?

Question:I put myself in places with people, who were serious about there dancing, and asked for help. Since I was just too dumb to know I couldn't dance, I was forced to keep going until I got it right.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I put myself in places with people, who were serious about there dancing, and asked for help. Since I was just too dumb to know I couldn't dance, I was forced to keep going until I got it right.

by listening to politicians.

MDMA & lots o' sunshine!

My father taught me when I was a little girl. I learned the waltz first. Then the faster dances. My parents were great dancers. When I was older (about 9 years old) I took Ballet, Toe, Tap & Jazz dance classes until I was around 15.

dance classes at school and just myself :-]]

dance classes!

or watch hits & look how they dance!

dance classes or maybe some cheer leaders group in high school perhaps? =s

dance classes

watch dancers online - pick up some moves

dance to some great music

i learned it naturally. that is why im in a dance gruop called"ELEVATE"im good i perform a lot in different states.And you?????

T started dance classes at age three. Tap, ballet, and jazz when I was older.

i took dance class for 3 years when i was young and 1 year when i was in 8th grade. and now i'm on my poms squad at my high school i just love it!!

classes. and the guy, bengie from so u think u can dance, came to our dance studio. at ccco dance at nc, north raleigh..
dont be jealous

I looked for very good dance studios and started taking their foundation classes and built my level up from their.

I have learned how to dance by taking dance classes. I take ballet, pointe, tap, and jazz. I love dancing and have learned a lot in my classes! Practicing and stretching daily has also helped me become a good dancer!