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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I get better stamina for dancing???

Question:I get tired quickly when I train.
what's the best way to get more stamina?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I get tired quickly when I train.
what's the best way to get more stamina?

Move your legs,get your knees to your chest, stretch allot, and do your crunches and leg lifts. Run up hill for 10 seconds as hard as you can, this will improve your speed and stamina with minimal resistance on your knees and joints. Jogging is horrible on your joints. This is why I recommend all out sprinting and stretching for best muscle improvement. If you can swim, that would improve stamina the best of anything. If you eat right you can also improve stamina and energy. Try oatmeal in the morning with some fruit. Eat grilled or broiled chicken with veggies (rice could be added too) for lunch. Cut out soda and drink lots of water. See if this doesn't improve your energy levels for your workouts. Eat whatever you want for dinner, you've earned it. :0 Hope I could help.


More cardio training. 3-5 times a week for an hour.

I would try cross-training a bit. Maybe do some cardio at a gym (or outside if it's warm enough where you live...). I would do a bit of elliptical, bike, and treadmill. Just try to get used to the more vigorous exercise and focus on your breathing. I'm not sure if this is scientifically proven to actually increase your stamina over all, but it helped me.

Work your upperbody more, for example, I hold myself in an elevated position on my elbowsfor 3 minutes a day, this has got my stamina high. Also if you do it every day so that the next day you are really stiff for about 2 weeks, you will be up for most things.

make sure to get enough sleep and eat normal meals and healthy snacks and this increases your energy. i felt that way too but my mom is really into this stuff from a place called "new vision" its a whole bunch of natural remedies for stuff. and no its not drugs lol its just pills or oils and it comes with a book. it can help anything from heart palpitations (help not cure) to helping your body cleanse to give you more stamina. and also run, this helps a lot if you dont want to try that stuff. a lot of people are freaked out to try it but it really helps. especially this product called 'essential minerals' it helps cleanse and "brighten" your body to be ready for the day.