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Position:Home>Dancing> Will you look silly if you dance and you're out of shape.?

Question:say you are a bit scrawny will dancing make you look silly. i just started dance but im sometimes scared i look out of place with everyone else on stage. i definitely want to improve though. b/c i love dance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: say you are a bit scrawny will dancing make you look silly. i just started dance but im sometimes scared i look out of place with everyone else on stage. i definitely want to improve though. b/c i love dance.

don't worry about it!! i started dance for the first time ever my freshman year and now im a senior and have improved SO MUCH. even though i too felt left out and awkward cause i couldn't do anything all of the other dancers were doing, i still stuck with it because i love to dance!! now im the one helping the newcomers, good luck!!

My saying is who cares what you look like if you love to dance .. DANCE. It doesn't matter what other people think. You will get better with time and practice. Another thing why would you think everyone is looking at you? They aren't, so enjoy yourself.

No if you keep to time and rhythm you won't look out of place. You say you are thin then why worry you would look great ...take dancing classes or some guidance and you will yet be a great dancer.

You mustn't scare when you dance. When you dance you must doing it because you want it. If the people laughing at you it is their problem.

If you love dancing then just do it! Even if the crowds criticize you someday, take it with an open heart. Don't change your style, cause YOU have to be yourself.

Lastly, dancing is about enjoying! All the best! :D

yah try to work out a bunch

It's all about the dancewear. If you are scrawny, wear a long sleeve shirt over a short sleeve shirt, for broader shoulders. Wear loose bell-bottomed or flared dance pants. It's all about camouflage.

if dancing is your true passion.. no one will be looking at your body..(which probably only looks awkward to you and not other people) they will be looking at hte joy and passion and determination on your face