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Question:Tonight is my school dance and I kinda go to a wealthier school. Well anyway it costs 20 dollars to go to the dance, even though my school has a ton of funds. Do you think that it's wrong to pay 20 dollars to go to a dance? Why? I'm still going even though it's outrageous what's your opinion. Please no Mean Comments.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Tonight is my school dance and I kinda go to a wealthier school. Well anyway it costs 20 dollars to go to the dance, even though my school has a ton of funds. Do you think that it's wrong to pay 20 dollars to go to a dance? Why? I'm still going even though it's outrageous what's your opinion. Please no Mean Comments.

It only cost me $5 dollars to go to my inner-city school dances (a little more than a decade ago). While $20 seems a little steep, I'm wondering if it's a fundraiser, or if there's something special the school had to pay for FOR the dance?

I've seen killer concerts that cost less. But I hope you have a good time! Remember to dance!

Well that honestly depends, if your gunna do some serious organized dancing like hip hop or Jazz or The Walts, then it's worth it, if it's just for fun..then no, I mean unless the funds are going to charity the school has enough money to lower the prices considering you guys are in high school, but fun is fun, so have some!!! : )

No, my school's homecoming dance tickets costed $30. We had a DJ from KISS FM, a popular station where I live, and we had two big projector screens that showed music videos for the songs that were playing and outrageous decor. I wouldn't be surprised if your school had lots of extra stuff like this. Also, at our school each grade has a class council (student council) that is responsible for raising money for activities (dances, formals, parties, etc...) that that class will have. All of the classes combined there budgets and realistically looked at how many people they thought would attend and how much the dance would cost. They used however much money they had alloted for homecoming and the rest had to be paid by the attendees. I'm sure your school has a similar system. My opinion is that that price is fine considering that the dance will probably have more features or be cooler than a dance that was free or didn't cost much. In this case, price probably determines quality.

that is crazy!! it only costs me five dollars to get into mine ten at the most!!well it all depends if they have goods stuff there i guess> hape fun!! hope you have a great time!!

thats not to bad some schools are the same

Maybe ( as someone has already said, ) It might be going to a good cause. I have a junior high dance tonight, and it costs FOUR DOLLARS to get in. We have nice decor, a huge stage, bottled water and completely safe punch. We have a some-what-wealthy kind of school... I think it is an outrageous cost for a school dance.. but then again, depends on the quality (:

What kind of dance is it? at my school we have to pay $3 in advance or $5 at the door. i wouldn't pay $20 just to get into a dance. my school isnt rich, but it isn't poor, but they would never charge us $20. that is outrageous!!

no it just depends on what theme it is.