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Position:Home>Dancing> Pointe shoe arches?!?!?!?! ???? PLEASE?

Question:okay i have very narrow and tiny feet (size 3) im 14 and i have a recital in 3 days. i need to get better arches and yes i know this is tough and short notice but im willing to do my best. any good pointe exercises? thank you so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay i have very narrow and tiny feet (size 3) im 14 and i have a recital in 3 days. i need to get better arches and yes i know this is tough and short notice but im willing to do my best. any good pointe exercises? thank you so much.

well one that I use is a tennis ball take the tennis ball and roll it around on the arch of your foot 8 times clockwise and counter clockwise. then stand on it. do to both feet. this will lossen and further arch your foot! :) it also feels good.
Hint... do this before your recital as well.

There is a great way to get better arches that I use all the time. Go to and look under "Accessories" on the last page. There are exercise bands that come in medium, heavy and super heavy. Also, you can buy the pro-arch. BUT, these will not work in 3 days. At the best, you will see results in 1 month. Good luck though!

use an exercise band and stretch your feet.

point your feet and have someone push your toes to the ground with a straight leg (if you dont want to tell them really why, tell them you hurt your ankle in gym class and it loosens the muscle or something! point point point, and stretch. examine your feet in the mirror and figure out where you need to point from more. Do 50 releves (plies in between every 3 or so), and lots of tondues!

Do you mean your arch is too flexible? If so, you probably just need to "double shank" you shoes. If your arch is not flexible get a longer shank to force your ankle forward. A less flexible arch will only allow you to drop down on your pointe, and have an arch in your foot,but not in your ankle, where it should be.