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Position:Home>Dancing> Can i improve my leaps and turns at home???????????

Question:I used to dance for about 8 or 9 years. i stopped for 3 years and am now 16. I go to a school with a great fine arts and dance department. I want to audtition into Lyrical/Jazz 3 for my senior year...only problem is that i need ALOT of work! I might not have time for formal lessons between now and march so is there ANY way at all for me to DRASTICALLY improve my leaps and turns from home? if so , HOW? i want to work on my calypsos, ring leaps, barrel leaps, stradle leaps, pirrouettes (single,double, triples), and if i can get this down then also my fuette turns! Someone help me to get this stuff down in 3 determined.............!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also are there videos online that i can watch? Thanks SO much for the help!!!!!!!! Remember people i have three months until audition!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I used to dance for about 8 or 9 years. i stopped for 3 years and am now 16. I go to a school with a great fine arts and dance department. I want to audtition into Lyrical/Jazz 3 for my senior year...only problem is that i need ALOT of work! I might not have time for formal lessons between now and march so is there ANY way at all for me to DRASTICALLY improve my leaps and turns from home? if so , HOW? i want to work on my calypsos, ring leaps, barrel leaps, stradle leaps, pirrouettes (single,double, triples), and if i can get this down then also my fuette turns! Someone help me to get this stuff down in 3 determined.............!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also are there videos online that i can watch? Thanks SO much for the help!!!!!!!! Remember people i have three months until audition!!!!!!!!!

Ok, one of the most important things will be to stretch every day. Hold every position for at least 30 seconds to get the most out of it. Practice your splits, straddles, and try to tone your whole body. Don't forget abs, very important in turns.
~Clear and area that is large enough for a chasse step leap so that you have some room to practice jettes. If not possible, at least find an area where you can turn (try wood floor or tile with your dance shoes/socks on).
~Do plie combinations at a counter or the back of a chair, plie is crucial to good leaps and turns
~Work on your spotting, practice chaine turns across a hall but really try to spot and whip your head as soon as possible
~Find somewhere with a dance/aerobics room where you can do long across the floor combos to practice your skills; this could be a gym, your health club, your school, etc
~It will be hard to learn proper technique from videos, but watching them will help you see what it should look like; try recording yourself doing dance moves and then watching, have a dance friend/teacher critique or watch yourself

Overall, present yourself at the auditions like you know what your doing, be confident, smile when appropriate, and have fun!!! Good luck, I hope I could help ( :

im in ballet myself and trust me videos cannot correct you and fix bad habits so i wouldn,t use a video try aking classes i know they are pricey but there are indivisual clases that are 15 dollars per class ask someone from the jazz/lyrical class to help you

The only way to make sure you are doing things properly is to go to class. A video can't tell you what to correct, and neither can the people on Yahoo Answers. If you are so determined, then take the time to go to class! Also, turns and leaps aren't the only things you need to be able to do in a lyrical class. My best advice is to just take classes.

watch videos and instructional lessons on leaps and piviots! Practice every day! Make sure your not practicing it wrong!