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Position:Home>Dancing> Would a little dance cheer you up if you're blue?

Question:I never said I was Fred Astaire...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I never said I was Fred Astaire...

And a ratta tat atat and a rinky dink do dah. Das my boy!

awww that was so cute! Thanks, it did cheer me up

cute and it made me smile

<yawn> Is that all you got, tough guy? What happened to the old Stooge? Is he mellowing out with his advanced age, or did he frighten badly with the last suspension?

Okay, you win. You're better looking than I am.

I can not get utube any longer due to strange reasons' but stooge if you say it's great then it is.i wanted to say cheers to you and moonbell the best new couple of 2007 and one of the the nicest too.,.,.,.

Let me bust a move...

Has your cerebral cortex started to calcify again? Here at the centre for complex cerebral calcification we have worked may years over the cause of thingseys and we can no longer help much, sorry.


Is it just me or do you think polar bears look sad when dancing like they are suffering with mental illness?

how cute!! that cheered me up!!!

yea.if played in a minor mode...