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Position:Home>Dancing> How to do a Split with your right or left leg?

Question:Ok so im 14 i want to do a split not becaus ei m in dance or anything but everyone i know can do a split other then me. My legs arent flexible when i try to do a split my left legs bends or flips to the side lol. I really want to do a split and is there any quick way or maybe not even quick but nay healthy way i can do a split without hurting anything thanks to anyone who helps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok so im 14 i want to do a split not becaus ei m in dance or anything but everyone i know can do a split other then me. My legs arent flexible when i try to do a split my left legs bends or flips to the side lol. I really want to do a split and is there any quick way or maybe not even quick but nay healthy way i can do a split without hurting anything thanks to anyone who helps

First try stretching if you don't stretch before you try something that serious you could pull a muscle. So like sit down strattle ( open you legs) and reach through the middle try to get your nose to touch. If you keep doing this splits will come gradually to you, stretching is all you can do, always stretch because you don't want to end of on crutches for a week =] I do my left leg in front but it dosent matter becuase you can go either way

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for me it really didn't work as fast as it said it would, but it's still worth it because i am getting so much more flexible. you have to really be dedicated, though. and you have to do it every day or it definitley will not work.

Try strecthing after a hot bath and stretch every night!! Your legs will gradually get closer to the floor.