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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the maximum height for a ballet dancer?

Question:I know it used to be something like 5'3 (like 20 years ago) but what is it now? Thanks :D!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know it used to be something like 5'3 (like 20 years ago) but what is it now? Thanks :D!!

I think it's 5'5

Bt, Darcy Bussell got away with 5'9

GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well there isnt really a maximum height but in a lot of partnering it helps if the girls is a few inches shorter than the man. So being short is good...but im tall like 5'5" but i am still growing. But i have talked to professional dancers and they all say they would have much rather been tall. It is also a little harder being tall cuz longer legs are harder to control.

I've partnered with women a over 6' and 160lbs. It depends on the ballet company's artistic director. For example, Balanchine loved tall ballerinas and short male dancers (actually he hated most male dancers - relegating to being "props" for the ballerina). Most artistic directors are concerned about the size of the dancer's talent rather than the size of the dancer. The old Bolshoi "ideal" was 5'6" and not more than 110lbs.

i'm not sure, but, i sure hope there isnt a height limit because i am like 5'6 or 5'7 and i hate being tall! it is so hard to control your upper body...and your legs when you are so tall so, if you do get any good answers, email me!
