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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to learn to break dance. How do I become flexible? How do I do a split? H

Question:Simply, I want to start breakdancing and I believe that flexibility is essential in dancing. I am very, very stiff but want to become flexible. Would I break my legs or some parts near the legs (hip bone etc) if I decided to rip my legs? (Blood Sport style where this guy ties his legs to two trees parallel to one another and break those trees to rip his leg to do a split but I'm definitly not doing that so don't worry lol) Or do you guys have suggestions for stretching? I want to become flexible fast so I can start dancing soon.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Simply, I want to start breakdancing and I believe that flexibility is essential in dancing. I am very, very stiff but want to become flexible. Would I break my legs or some parts near the legs (hip bone etc) if I decided to rip my legs? (Blood Sport style where this guy ties his legs to two trees parallel to one another and break those trees to rip his leg to do a split but I'm definitly not doing that so don't worry lol) Or do you guys have suggestions for stretching? I want to become flexible fast so I can start dancing soon.

im both a dancer and a gymnast so here are some good streches
sit down with your arms behind you and point your feet
then strech as far as you can so you get a good stresh
and as far as doing the splits you can just automatically do it you have to work at it but before you do do some lunges an then work into it dont bust your legs doing or else you wont get anywhere then do these lay down and tuck your leg behind you thats a thigh muscle strech and hold it for 55 seconds on each side then lay down put your leg up in the air and put it over on the side and look the other way streches all yorur calfs your thighs your back as well as your neck

1.Sit down and do butterflys.(bouncing your knees and putting your hands on your feet.
2.Stay in this position and put your head to your feet as if you were to bend over.
3.Spread your legs so it looks like a V
4.Reach as far as you can in the middle.
5.Reach to your right foot, then your left.
6.Try practicing your splits and stratles.
7.Put your feet together and reach for your toes as far as you can,and try to time yourself often.
8.Repeat everyday at least twice a day.

I heard the best way to learn to break dance was by trying to steal hub caps off moving cars.

the best way to be flexible is to stretch is to take gymnastics trust me it works !!!! :)