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Position:Home>Dancing> Hip Turnout?

Question:I've been dancing for about 2 years. I'm 19. I know I can't be a great dancer but I would still like to improve my turnout.
The problem isn't with my hips, it's my knees and ankles. when my hips are straight my feet turn in because of my knees and ankles so when I'm turned out it makes me seem like i've only got about 90 degrees of turnout. Are there stretches I can do to help my ankles and knees go straight, instead of in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been dancing for about 2 years. I'm 19. I know I can't be a great dancer but I would still like to improve my turnout.
The problem isn't with my hips, it's my knees and ankles. when my hips are straight my feet turn in because of my knees and ankles so when I'm turned out it makes me seem like i've only got about 90 degrees of turnout. Are there stretches I can do to help my ankles and knees go straight, instead of in?

You need to do a variety of stretches to improve your flexibility, especially around your hips. The key to turnout is actually not flexibility. It's strength. I have naturally awful turnout, but I am able to get 180 degree turnout by using my stomach, butt, and inner thighs. You should feel like you're trying to get your legs to turn inside out. Something that helps me is doing little oval-shaped ran de chames (sp?) and leading with my heel. Sorry if that's unclear, but I'm not sure how else to explain it.

yeah, the frog stretch is helpful for turnout

along with stretches, training the turn out muscle by strengthening them is also beneficial. A lot of pilates exercises are designed to do just that. You'll know which ones when you do them! But remember what dance is all about. Don't worry too much about your turn out and just have fun dancing! Thats where the beauty of it comes from.

the frog strech helps out a lot.
lying on your stomach bend your legs and hold your feet together. slowly try to push your feet down. hold for about 1 count of 8 .

hope i could help!