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Position:Home>Dancing> Need help choosing dance classes. ballet, jazz, contemporary?

Question:Ok i want to do 3 classes next year. I can't do any more and choice of classes are limited because I go to 2 studios and some overlap. which option is best?
-level 4 contemporary, 2x ballet
-ballet, level 3 contemporary, level 3 jazz
-level 4 contemporary, ballet, level 3 jazz
I can't do level 4 jazz because I'm not experienced enough. this year I was in level 3. please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok i want to do 3 classes next year. I can't do any more and choice of classes are limited because I go to 2 studios and some overlap. which option is best?
-level 4 contemporary, 2x ballet
-ballet, level 3 contemporary, level 3 jazz
-level 4 contemporary, ballet, level 3 jazz
I can't do level 4 jazz because I'm not experienced enough. this year I was in level 3. please help!

I think the level 4 contemporary and 2 ballet classes would be good.
but, if you want to have more style then technique(sp?), go with the ballet, level 3 contemporary, and level 3 jazz. This way you have the technique from all three! good luck and happy dancing!

just kidding
seriously though, what ever one you like best.

level 4 cont., ballet, level 3 jazz.
that way be sure to take a jazz class-- keep going with it! maybe that's just me, though. i mean, i'm in a lot of ballet classes every week and at the end of the week i just need to let loose and jazz is a good way of doing it.
besides, it's good to have a lot of experience in all forms of dance, especially if you plan on studying it in college. =)