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Position:Home>Dancing> We have to learn TAP DANCING?

Question:I am practicing my audition for a musical (Thoroughly Modern Millie) here is my issue: We had two pre-audition practices where we were taught how to tap dance and learned some of the music. The music isn't my problem, but I am a little worried about the tap dancing.

I could not keep up with everyone, and I didn't have real tap shoes (I just wore my character shoes) It was really hard to try to do everything at the fast pace that most everyone seemed to have no problem with.

How should I practice if I only have until Monday? I don't have any more pre-audition practices left. (There were only two). I really want to make this play!!!

Pleaaasseee Help mee!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am practicing my audition for a musical (Thoroughly Modern Millie) here is my issue: We had two pre-audition practices where we were taught how to tap dance and learned some of the music. The music isn't my problem, but I am a little worried about the tap dancing.

I could not keep up with everyone, and I didn't have real tap shoes (I just wore my character shoes) It was really hard to try to do everything at the fast pace that most everyone seemed to have no problem with.

How should I practice if I only have until Monday? I don't have any more pre-audition practices left. (There were only two). I really want to make this play!!!

Pleaaasseee Help mee!!!

You can't become a tap dancer over night. Get together as much as you can with some of the other dancers to practice. Have them show you the steps. Work your hiney off and to compensate for the fact that you arent a tapper you must preform it big. smile and let them see how much you want it. Good luck!

In order to practice tap dancing, I suggest you practice tap dancing. Break the routine into small parts and work on them individually before you put them together as a whole.

I love Thoroughly Modern Millie. If you've never seen it before, tap dancing is the main part of the elevator scene, so very important for the lead roles. I would practice the steps slowly. Most steps sound the way they are said, if that makes any since to you. So try writing down the steps, since you probably don't know the names, write down how they sound. As you practice more, get faster and faster. Don't psych yourself out, everyone makes mistakes. I'm not sure where you are auditioning, but unless you are on wood floor, you can barely hear the tap sounds anyways, so just keep moving. Good luck, try getting together with someone else auditioning and practice together. Have fun! I hope I helped ( :

Yeah, I did tap for about two or three years. But, quit soon after. I just didn't feel it and I had to work VERY hard to even keep up. The best thing is practice makes perfect. MAKE SURE YOU GET YOUR SOUNDS CLEAR. That's definitely the best advice I could give.

Okay, I'm on a competition team for tap so I think I can help you. First of all you need to practice the basics at the bar. (or like a chair or something)
I hope you know what these terms are:
1. Shuffle
2. Fa-lap
3. Ball Change
4. Maxie4 (srry idk how to spell these!)
5. Pull backs
6. Draw backs
If you don't know how to do these steps get a private lesson at a dance studio.
As in keeping up with the group....I've never had trouble with that. It's the technique that gets me....
To be able to keep up with the group you need to PRACTICE! I mean like all the time! Take little chunks of the dance out and practice them slow, making sure you have the steps right. Try it with music and you'll get faster and faster.
I know that when your learning with a big group its hard to learn, because the teachers always go too fast.
I hope you'll make the play. Also: if you like search tap dance steps on YouTube, you'll find something.