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Position:Home>Dancing> How do ballerinas become so graceful?

Question:And can you be graceful like that in everyday life without taking ballet? If so, how?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And can you be graceful like that in everyday life without taking ballet? If so, how?

ballerinas get graceful from taking so many classes and having to have correct form. you can start to get better posture by not slouching when you are sitting/standing/walking. i think grace is just something that comes with holding your self in a certain way, and is more a state of mind than something you can really learn, but that is just my opinion!

good posture

It takes lots of practice. It's not something that can be taught, but it can be learned.

It's something that develops over time from the way you carry yourself, and what ballet requires. You can be graceful in everyday life, it just needs a little thought. Good posture is a start. It's not like all ballerinas are graceful anyway, (though maost are) one of my friends in ballet is a beautiful dancer, but not always very graceful.

practice paractice practice...but then again its one of those thigns that comees naturally your stage presence tachnique strength they all make you graceful

ive been a ballet dancer for 12 years, and im graceful when i dance, but when im not HELL NO!!! im the biggest klutz in the world.