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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you think of any stereotypes about ballet dancers?

Question:Besides that they are anarexic.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Besides that they are anarexic.

no boobs
fat legs (what?)
ugly feet
guys are gay
girls are girly
"prim and proper"

but the worst sterotypes are about the actual dance. I've had people tell me "you do ballet, that's so easy all you do is twirl around and act pretty!"
If I could have taken her and put in my class to see what it's like I would have done it!

Prima Donna, snobby

super smart, rich, girly girl

we aren't anarexic...sometimes we can't eat a lot...but im a ballet dancer and i eat...more than i should probably. but i burn the calories off once i start dancing and doing sit ups and stuff....i've never even heard that stereotype before and its stupid...and some people think we're uptight...nope...we're not. i can't think of anything else....

and be nice...we work reallyreally frikkin hard lol. its harder than it looks and you can see how we could manage to skip a meal during performance time. but other than lol

and im not snobby, a girly girl, i like black, i listen to rock, i skate (sometimes, i try not to hurt myself to badly lol) and barbies annoy me. im not rich not bad but thats just because my dad has a good job that pays for my shoes, my classes, and gets us food...soo yea dont do the stereotype thing...

prim and proper, very skinny

im a dancer and i have heard pretty bad stuff like: snobby, rich, rude, stuck up, boys cant dance, that we act better than everyone else and that we are unhealthy

But none of them r true! i think we just luv 2 dance

A frequent stereotype that I see held by even the ballet dancers who post here is that female ballet dancers are small-breasted BECAUSE of the workout they get from dancing, which reduces fat. (Not true.)

Along the same lines:
- That you can create long legs, high arches, small butts, etc, by doing certain exercises. (Not true.)
- That everyone can do a full split or put their palms to the floor if they just stretch enough. (Not true.)

- That most male ballet dancers are gay. (Not true.)
- That professional female ballet dancers in the U.S. commonly call themselves "ballerinas" (not true), which then begs the question of what to call male ballet dancers.
- That becoming a professional ballet dancer is just a matter of hard work, lots of practice and believing in yourself. (Not true.)

For stereotypes of personality traits, I gave Tort a thumbs up.


flat chested
bad looking feet
extremely flexible (like Butterly Lovers flexible)

I've been called rich, bratty, rude, snobby, and of course anorexic, by haven't even talked to me or seen me before! Oh and most people say male dancers are gay, I had a boyfriend who was a dancer once and was most definitely not gay.

vain and snobby.


Prim and proper, very demure and soft-spoken. I, for one, am a loud obnoxious ballerina :)

The Devil Wears Prada:
of course she said that.....everyone thinks that. that's because one of the secrets to being a great dancer is making it look so easy that everyone can do it, and not showing everyone how hard you are working. little do they know.......