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Position:Home>Dancing> What are some good exercizes to increese flexibilaty?

Question:I'm just starting to do a jazz dance class and i need to be able to do the splits ASAP. If you know any good exercises or tips that would really help. =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm just starting to do a jazz dance class and i need to be able to do the splits ASAP. If you know any good exercises or tips that would really help. =]

I agree with the answer about sitting in the splits for a while to loosen up. But you need to relax your body and really commit to sitting there for at least 2 minutes or you won't get anywhere.

Another good stretch for the splits is to lay on your back with one leg out and the other pointed straight into the air. Bend the knee and flex the foot, then straighten your leg from where your knee is bent. Hold onto your leg at about your calf, and hold your leg there for at least a minute. Then bend your knee and flex your foot again, and straighten your leg again from where your knee is bent. Keep pulling your leg in closer to your body and this should increase your flexibility. If you hold it a while you will definitly feel it the next day!

The other thing you can do while sitting in the splits is to hyper-extend your splits. Place your front leg on something strong and about 6 inches off the ground and let your body relax as far as you can go. After stretching in this position, go back into the splits on the ground, and you will probably have improved.

These are just a few ideas. Hope they help!

Splits are really hard to do! ive been taking dance for 10 years, it took me a year to get it down! But im soo proud so it was worth it! but anyways i did healstretches alot! my dance teacher told me to everynight when ur watching tv start doing splits and sit there in the split when ur watching comercials then take a break and when the next comerical comes on do another split! for ballet we have to hold our splits for 7 minutes each! it hurts!! BUT GOODLUCK AND ITS SOOO WORTH IT WHEN U GET IT DOWN!! (the hard part is keeping it down!

Most definitely Pilates. That helps to increase and strengthen your core (which is exactly what a dancer needs to be in top form). Pilates increases stability, strength, balance AND flexibility like you wouldn't believe.
And you can become very flexible quickly and can do the splits well if you are diligent and consistent with the program.

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