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Position:Home>Dancing> I want to be in dance next year, and its through school so it will be my PE/ fin

Question:But I need to get into shape and more flexible and need to loose the belly !!!

Can someone help me??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: But I need to get into shape and more flexible and need to loose the belly !!!

Can someone help me??

for dance 1 you dont need to know anything (not personal expirence). excercise and stretching definetly will help lose weight but diet wont. in the long run, a diet will cause more weight gain than loss.
dance will help you lose weight anyway, and be flexible. don't worry, its only dance 1, how hard could it be?

All three, Diet, Exercises and Stretches. Start doing some dance exercises now, or Aerobics and you should be in shape by then. And the dance class will probably help a lot to keep you in shape.