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Position:Home>Dancing> Soulja Boy-crack that dance HELP!?

Question:I know how to do most of the Crank that dance. I just dont no how to do that snapping part where you lean it is really diffucult for me! So i need some steps or some sites to tach me how A.S.A.P .....i kind of agreed to do it for our school with some friends so i need help fast!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know how to do most of the Crank that dance. I just dont no how to do that snapping part where you lean it is really diffucult for me! So i need some steps or some sites to tach me how A.S.A.P .....i kind of agreed to do it for our school with some friends so i need help fast!

Step by step
Turn your body to the right with your left foot sllightly in front of your right, and have them be about shoulder length apart.
Snap with your left hand, moving back a little
Snap with your right hand, moving back a little
Finally snap with both hands and move back a little
go into the next step.
Its as simple as that. Hope you do good performing.

watch it on you tube. Think of it as an instructional video. Good Luck
Hope this helps : ]

Watch the video in a slow motion and i'm sure you'll get it

yea i can do the dance but not the snapping part
i guess we have that in common

try this vid

you just gotta lean with it rock with it. lol! :D that song is sorta old