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Position:Home>Dancing> Salsa and Waltz dances tips, Anyone?

Question:My better half and I are attending ballroom dancing.
I saw some of the dancers that are really good in dancing Salsa - you can see the emotions and all. It was an awe seeing these dancers and I myself want to be that good.

Question is, do you have any tips on how to be that good?
Aside from practicing 3 times a week.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My better half and I are attending ballroom dancing.
I saw some of the dancers that are really good in dancing Salsa - you can see the emotions and all. It was an awe seeing these dancers and I myself want to be that good.

Question is, do you have any tips on how to be that good?
Aside from practicing 3 times a week.

Take classes. Practicing is good, but only if you have enough material to practice. In order to make your dancing look really good, try to find technique classes. Technique is what makes dancing look graceful, emotional and interesting. It teaches you how to execute your steps efficiently and comfortably. Memorising tons of steps won't improve the quality. Also, learn to be a good follower. A couple that dances together gives very good impression as opposed to a couple who's sligthly off from each other.

Go and dance socially as much as you find possible. Even if you feel you're not quite ready to shine, just go anyway. Everyone starts somewhere.

Yes, be patinet with the leader. Not only he has to worry about his own steps, but also about the music, your steps and about leading you. It can be annoying when your partner supervises you all the time. It might make him feel stupid and not want to dance anymore.
Instead, concentrate on learning to be a good follower. You have tons of stuff to work on. Be very clear what foot are you supposed to be on at every moment. There is nothing more frustrating to the leader than a follower that stands solid as a rock on both feet. Help him learn to be a good leader by not rushing into your steps. Let him lead you. Even if he's late with his lead, which is quite common for beginner, don't go into a step by yourself. Wait for him. He will see it if he's late and will correct it next time. Resist telling him what are his steps unless he asks you. Listen to music and be sure you as a couple are dancing on the correst beat. If you're sure you're off beat, just tell him that. The bets way is to stop and reset rather than trying to catch up.

In Waltz: make sure you're standing up straight. I see a lot of beginners trying to avoid each other's feet by bending and slouching their posture. Don't be afraid to step on his feet. If your tracks are slightly offset as they supposed to be you'll never step on each other's feet.
In Salsa: make sure you're fully transferring your weight on each step rather than just tapping the floor.

With waltz try to stretch out your legs as much as possible so youre moving across the floor as much as possible, the more and further you move the more you will look like youre gliding. You achieve this movement by swinging your legs out from the hips instead of just moving your lower legs.

Remember that Dancing is a muscle memory sport and that this type of learning comes with time. Be patent with yourself and your partner. Remember the longer you take to learn the more time you have hugging your partner.

Don't try to learn everything at once. You have to learn to ride the bike before you learn to pop a wheelie.

Practice your moves without music and do the movements slow and Perfect.

And above all remember that the leader has 3 times the things to learn then the follower. If you are the follower don't rush the Leader. I know many wife's who dance alone because there husbands don't want to fight with them about there dancing.

JJ has a great answer, and Snowflake isn't tops in this category for nothing!
I'd add one more that I bet you've heard before. Simple patterns done well are much more attractive than fancy patterns done poorly. Don't be in such a rush to learn more figures that you neglect the basics. You'll even see top professionals pick a foot up off the floor in waltz at the most inopportune times in a way that even a novice knows is wrong, so keep working on those basics!

Dancing is a skill learned through practice. With any skill you first have to learn the technique in a class. Stick with classes that are teaching lots of Lead/Follow technique and stay away from those who are just teaching you to memorize a routine.

Practice together at least everyday from 15 minutes to a couple of hours. Get real smooth with the basics before moving into the complicated stuff.

Also, practice alone, in dance frame, and push yourself as hard as you can.

In Waltz, pull in your bellybutton in toward your spine, lift your sternum, and relax your shoulders. When in frame keep your elbows down lower than your hands and in front of your body. When rotating to face a different position feel your spine rotate your head. Do not lead with your head. Before you rotate collect your moving leg under your center of gravity then extend into the next step. Practice this while walking. Walk forward slowly and make a turn to the left as your right leg passes under your center. Do not swing your leg out from the side unless the pattern calls for it. While you are up and in a nice clean dance frame continue to make sure your standing foot has the weight forward.

In Salsa learn to execute Latin motion then practice very, very slow. Concentrate on every part of the Latin motion. A big flaw for some dancers is when they cannot control the movement and drop into each hip. Instead of a clean technique it looks like they are popping from hip to hip.

Your salsa frame should look like a Ballroom frame after you have deflated. It should be compact with your elbows lower and your weight even more forward. Moving your weight forward should not mean leaning forward.

Always do a weight check before you dance. While standing still on your weighted foot can you lift your heel without shifting your weight forward? Alway keep this in mind.

An quick and easy way to look better is to just look better. A couple who are smiling, hold their heads up, are dressed well and have good posture will look better without even moving.

Watch those dancers that you like and analyze why they look better. In most cases it's not only the move they are doing.

Good Luck