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Position:Home>Dancing> How to pop up on pointe for a pirrouette turn?

Question:whenever i do a pirrouette turn on pointe, i can never quite pop up on pointe. what would help me to pop up?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: whenever i do a pirrouette turn on pointe, i can never quite pop up on pointe. what would help me to pop up?

Make sure you plie enough, without it turns are impossible. Also, use your abs to control your posse once you are on your box. Practice at the barre:
Stand in first, plie, pop up onto your left box and bring your right leg to plie. This will involve quickly rolling through from flat to demi pointe to pointe. Pop up, balance for one count, and then quickly roll down. Repeat as many times as necessary. Then try it but bring your right leg to posse. Doing this will help you get the feel of getting on top of your box without actually turning. After mastering this, try doing 1/2 turns at the barre. Start facing the barre, plie, and do a pirouette so that now your back is to the bar. Now try without using the bar. Then progress to full turns.
I still have a hard time with this, but I've found that slowly doing these exercises and then increasing speed and difficulty really helps me. I hope it helps you! ( :

The fact that you used the words "pop up" tell me that you don't really know how to do pointe work. You have to use the strength of your feet ankles, and core to releve en pointe. you don't just pop up, you roll through the shoe. That's probably your problem.

plie low and then go up straight and lock ur knees.

I agree with Gina, it's probably because you dont have the proper strength. Try exercises to strengthen your feet first.