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Question:I'm 21 and I would love to dance ballet. The only experience ive had is gymnastics when i was younger, but thats it. What are the chances I could be an exceptionally good dancer and do some dance studio teach beginning ballet for adults?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 21 and I would love to dance ballet. The only experience ive had is gymnastics when i was younger, but thats it. What are the chances I could be an exceptionally good dancer and do some dance studio teach beginning ballet for adults?

I don't know about being an exceptional dancer, because most people who are exceptional ballerinas have been dancing since they could walk. But you could still be very good or even great. And yes, studios do teach beginner ballet for adults. I am fifteen and am starting beginner adult ballet classes next month. You just need to look around and call up some local studios and see if they offer it, or if they don't ask them if they know places that do. As for the gymnastics, I don't know if it will help, because you only took it when you were younger so you may not be flexible anymore, but I guess it is just a case of only time will tell. I took gymnsatics for about five years and I have been doing hip-hop for seven years and I have no idea if they are going to be beneficial for ballet. Good Luck - I think the key to becoming exceptional is practice, practice, practice...

There are many dance studios that teach adult ballet classes. If you are really serious you should call around. You might also try private lessons from local studios.

Also if you are near a college, Many students supplement there income giving private lessons. You might try leaving a request at a community board in a dorm or coffee house.

With your gymnastics background, you have an easier road, than other adults your age beginning ballet. You also have the intellect to understand the theory behind what the teacher is saying. I would rather be taught by an adult who knows what they are talking about than by a kid who can only demonstrate the skills, but not teach me how to do them.

Much depends on your physique, talent and drive. I think you should have an easy time. Usually, any female adult that is any good is given an opportunity to join advanced womens' classes and go from there. Good Luck. I have see a number of women even into their 30's become decent amateur dancers and have a lot of fun.

I think everyone has given good advice about finding dance instruction, another thing you should realize is that finding the right studio where you feel comfortable can be as difficult as finding the perfect restaurant. Most studios will let you take a free class to try it out, so "shop" around a little and try a couple places. Becoming a great dancer is not easy but an attainable goal depending on how much of your life you're planning to hand over. To really improve each week, you have to practice outside of class - EVERY DAY! I am an instructor and I always tell my dancers, "You have the tools from my class, now it is up to you what you do with them." Beginning a ballet class should not be about how great you can become anyway. If you find a good class and practice, you will have pains in places you didn't know could hurt, and you will likely have times of such intense frustration, that you will wonder what you were thinking, but if you can get past it, and fall in love with the art of dancing, then you will not worry so much about whether you are exceptional, and just enjoy the process. Blessings on your journey!

I started tap dance at 19 and things went fine. Just relax and you'll be fine.