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Question:ok, at what age did you start dancing? what kinds? whats your fav?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok, at what age did you start dancing? what kinds? whats your fav?

I have been dancing since age two. I do ballet, pointe, tap, and jazz. I would have to say that jazz is my favorite kind of dance. I absolutely love dancing!

i was two years old when i started
i started with ballet, then i did tap, jazz, modern, lyrical, hip hop, and combination classes.
my favorite is lyrical and also hip hop.

i started when i was 3
i take ballet, pointe, 2 jazz classes, tap, hip hop, baton, 3 lyrical classes, stretching/yoga, and i am in the senior company... i also teach 2 tap classes, 3 ballet classes, 3 jazz classes, 1 hip hop class, 1 lyrical class, and 1 baton class
my fav kinda depnds on my mood.. but probably jazz or hip hop or lyrical or tap... haah.... i love them all!!!

i dance for 2 years starting at age five, taking ballet. then i started dance back up ate age nine. i started with ballet, then next year added acrobatics, the next year added tap, jazz, modern, and pointe, and am currently taking ballet, acrobatics, tap, jazz, and pointe.

Unlike most people, I started when I was 11. Ive taken tap, jazz, hip hop and ballet. My favorite is definetly hip hop!

Started at 13. Ballroom and latin. I prefer latin over ballroom because thats the style im more competitive and successful in

i started when i was 8. i do classical ballet (pointe) and modern and my favorite is classical ballet (pointe)

I started when I was about 5 or 6. I started out with tap, then a year later ballet. A few years later I started jazz, then hiphop. My favorite is hiphop, and that's what I've been focusing on. I also like ballroom dancing, cause our recent jazz dance had a ballroom theme to it (=

I started tap dancing when I was 7 years old. I took jazz classes and hip-hop classes including popping, breaking, and locking. My favorite is hip-hop because it has so many different styles.