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Position:Home>Dancing> it a universal language...?

Question:These people think it is:

"Universal language
Dance is becoming popular on college campuses across America. In the past three years, those in the ballroom dance business say there's been a big jump in the number of students taking lessons. MIT, Harvard, New York University, the University of California and dozens of others schools now have ballroom dance clubs. The swell of young people doing the tango, they say, implies the U.S. is finally catching up to European countries, where children have danced for decades.

Hoehn and Gast both grew up near Karlsruhe, Germany, but they did not know each other until two years ago when they met in the Ballroom Dance Club at MIT. Like them, one-third of those on MIT's Dance Team are international students. If you're lonely, they say, you don't need to know the customs or the language to enjoy yourself. Ballroom dance is unifying, an activity that brings people together and creates community.

"It's a universal language," Gast says. "No matter which country you are from, whether you're black or white, European or American, it doesn't matter. You just get on the floor."

"You can dance with anybody," Hoehn says. "You don't need to talk because it's non-verbal communication.

"I've danced with people at some of our events who've spoken very little English, people I could not have spent 10 minutes with otherwise, and yet, there was a real connection between us because we could just dance well together."

'Dance is the original most ancient form of human expression. Through the body and physical language, dance has a powerful connection with the emotional and spiritual worlds. In traditional Aboriginal culture, dance is the core, like a kind of sacred medicine. Dance is grounded, connected to the spirit of Mother Earth. Unless you surrender to the dance you can't hunt quietly. It is an integral part of human existence. When I create a new dance work I ask the dancers to swallow and digest the traditional seed, to sense the innate code within so that we can transform the traditional essence to the contemporary world. Dance is the universal language. It represents human identity and a celebration of the human spirit. Dance is the artistic heart of kinship. It is a sacred universal remedy.'

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: These people think it is:

"Universal language
Dance is becoming popular on college campuses across America. In the past three years, those in the ballroom dance business say there's been a big jump in the number of students taking lessons. MIT, Harvard, New York University, the University of California and dozens of others schools now have ballroom dance clubs. The swell of young people doing the tango, they say, implies the U.S. is finally catching up to European countries, where children have danced for decades.

Hoehn and Gast both grew up near Karlsruhe, Germany, but they did not know each other until two years ago when they met in the Ballroom Dance Club at MIT. Like them, one-third of those on MIT's Dance Team are international students. If you're lonely, they say, you don't need to know the customs or the language to enjoy yourself. Ballroom dance is unifying, an activity that brings people together and creates community.

"It's a universal language," Gast says. "No matter which country you are from, whether you're black or white, European or American, it doesn't matter. You just get on the floor."

"You can dance with anybody," Hoehn says. "You don't need to talk because it's non-verbal communication.

"I've danced with people at some of our events who've spoken very little English, people I could not have spent 10 minutes with otherwise, and yet, there was a real connection between us because we could just dance well together."

'Dance is the original most ancient form of human expression. Through the body and physical language, dance has a powerful connection with the emotional and spiritual worlds. In traditional Aboriginal culture, dance is the core, like a kind of sacred medicine. Dance is grounded, connected to the spirit of Mother Earth. Unless you surrender to the dance you can't hunt quietly. It is an integral part of human existence. When I create a new dance work I ask the dancers to swallow and digest the traditional seed, to sense the innate code within so that we can transform the traditional essence to the contemporary world. Dance is the universal language. It represents human identity and a celebration of the human spirit. Dance is the artistic heart of kinship. It is a sacred universal remedy.'

Dance is like language, because, every country has their way.
"Sign Language" is a "universal language" because it means
the same, in any "country." like a smile. :-)