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Position:Home>Dancing> Is dance a sport?

Question:my friends are dumb and say its not but whats ur opinion?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my friends are dumb and say its not but whats ur opinion?

Yes, it's a sport.
It is BOTH an art form and a sport.

Competitive dancers need to be extremely athletic, they train many times a week and do very intense body toning workouts. Actually, most dancers are more physically fit than some hockey, football, soccer etc. players. Dancers endure a lot of pain and suffering, as well as have amazing self discipline and confidence.

Dance has the reputation of little girls fluttering around in tutus, but thats just not right. Its an intense, hard, intricate, and highly respected sport. (unless you ask a bunch of morons :P).

If figure skating is a sport, then dance is too.
I shall end with a quote that I got off a t shirt at a dance competition:

"Some people don't believe dance is a sport, we know better."

(im very opinionated about this, being a dancer myself)
Hope I helped, and I hope your friends come around :)

Dance is an art. That is better than sports, in my opinion. It is the most physically demanding of the arts and it can be judged, but it is not really a sport as I see it. Sport is direct competition against others. Dance is not competitive in its nature.
I also don't consider eating a sport, although some do.

However, I think your friends are right.

yes, competitive dancing is a sport

My opinion is that it is not only A sport, but THE sport! Dance requires group cooperation, dedication, and focus on an art! Dance is harder that any sport out there no matter what anyone ticks me off when people dont recognize dance for all the hard work it really is. Many sports require you to specialize in one area such as running, kicking, hitting, throwing, ect. Dance however, requires skill in MULTIPLE areas.

Ok, dance (according to the public) is not a sport; it is an art. But I can argue with that.
1. Dance takes as much or probably more endurence, balance, strength, flexibility, and corrdination as any sport. If you have seen a professional dancer's body, the only difference between them and a professional football player, is that dancers are generally smaller, but they have just as much muscle.
2. There are such things as dance competitions that are equivilent to "sports tournaments/games".
3. Middle school football players practice generally 2-3 days a week. Dancers practice 5-6 days a week.
4. Dancers usually dance in groups, just like some sports have teams. Both of them take an entire groups to do well. If one person fails, the whole team fails.
I would consider dance a sport, but agian, everyone has their own opinions. :)