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Position:Home>Dancing> What is a good way to learn the crip walk or the snake walk for slow learners?

Question:Heyy I'm learnign how to cwalk myself
I'm gettign so pissed off reading the comments saying...If u don't belong to the crips then don't go cwalking

I'm like god calm down let them do it if they want!!!

If u do the snake move then it becomes a clownwalk and not a crip walk....but if u don't do the snake then it stays a crip

and search for cwalking or crip walking tutorials.....and then go to view count...there's one vid that goes for botu 8 min and its really good

good luck :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Heyy I'm learnign how to cwalk myself
I'm gettign so pissed off reading the comments saying...If u don't belong to the crips then don't go cwalking

I'm like god calm down let them do it if they want!!!

If u do the snake move then it becomes a clownwalk and not a crip walk....but if u don't do the snake then it stays a crip

and search for cwalking or crip walking tutorials.....and then go to view count...there's one vid that goes for botu 8 min and its really good

good luck :)

Idk if it will work. I didn't learn it off a site. The rattle snake is easy though, you should be able to get that fast.