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Position:Home>Dancing> Does anyone know a good learn to dance dvd?

Question:I want to learn how to dance like hiphop and dirty dancing and it should probably be a beginners version.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to learn how to dance like hiphop and dirty dancing and it should probably be a beginners version.

In my opinion there is not anything wrong with hip hop dancing. Dancing period. However, dirty dancing is more so X-rated. You should be of age to view and recieve beginners versions of this type of dance. Many females learn dirty dancing as a way of attention or fun. To other its a way to survive. Which is fine. Speaking from a black womens perspective, I have worked in the clerical field for years, went to college for 3 years, single parent of two. Sometimes the world can be a tough place. I am smart independant, and a good mom. As most black men tend to do, their father abandoned his financial responsibility. Like myself when you loose your job can't afford $750 rent went and can't pay light, water, etc. At that minute in that very month you could get evicted. So, when you are in an intense situation you just make the best of what you have. Like myself it was nothing but my home kids and furniture No family & a friend who had her own problems.So I learned dirty dancing and ended up using it as A tool! A job!A way to survive.Everyone has there reasons but, that was mine. No one knew my problems but, me and now you. When you don't know you shouldn't judge. That striper you see today could be your doctor lawyer scientist professor etc. tomorrow. Don't judge.Leave that to GOD. Dr. Jennifer Bordin.

Carmen Electra