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Position:Home>Dancing> Good Dance Shoes for musical theatre!?

Question:Hey there, my school is doing the musical, Cats for our spring musical. This is our school's first major dance show and our teacher recommended we get dance shoes. She didn't say what kind, just that we needed them.

So I was wondering what type of shoes I should know, which type of shoe would be best for what we are doing, like ballet slippers, split sole, full sole, dance sneakers, what? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ^.^

What do you recommend and why?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey there, my school is doing the musical, Cats for our spring musical. This is our school's first major dance show and our teacher recommended we get dance shoes. She didn't say what kind, just that we needed them.

So I was wondering what type of shoes I should know, which type of shoe would be best for what we are doing, like ballet slippers, split sole, full sole, dance sneakers, what? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ^.^

What do you recommend and why?

Wow, you're in a show! First of all, congratulations! You'll have a ton of fun embarking in musical theatre.

My suggestion would be to buy some good, black, split sole, not-with-laces jazz shoes. They're also called 'character shoes'.


First of all, the color black will stand out less than pink ballet shoes and are just more versatile.

Jazz shoes don't need as much replacing as ballet shoes.

Laces are just a pain!

Dance sneakers, in my opinion, don't allow you to be as flexible with your feet as plain ol' jazz shoes.

My personal favorite's are Leo's shoes, which I am pretty sure can be found at

Sounds great! I'm in my school's second musical, Annie. As for the whole Cats thing...I would say black ballet slippers, split sole, if you are any colour of cat other then white. If you are white, get very light pink ones.