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Position:Home>Dancing> WHat do dancers do with old dance tights besides throw them out?

Question:someone told me that some dancers cut off each of the sides and wear them under their leotard is that true?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: someone told me that some dancers cut off each of the sides and wear them under their leotard is that true?

Hey. I prefer footless tights, so after recitals I cut the feet of my regular tights. You also can cut a piece off and wear it as a necklace or even tie it in you hair for ribbon. Believe it or not, there are many uses for old tights! I hope you have fun experimenting ( :

well, i guess it could be true but i dont do it. i suppose u could do the same things and wear them over your leo as shorts

Yes dancers can do that, turn old tighs into leotards....

Give them to your niece or daughter

you can cut a hole in the crotch and wear them like a shirst/half sweater (for dance only)

yeah, i just cut off the bottoms and wear them under skirts or for when you dont have shoes so you have bare feet and dont slip.

Yeah, why throw 30.00 tights away when you can recycle them?