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Position:Home>Dancing> Has anyone got any tips on how to become more flexible? i am 13 and i really wan

Question:I have always wanted to be able to do the splits and be really flexable l;ike a real ballet dancer but my mum says that you ussally have to start when you are really young im 13 has anyone got any tips on how to become more flexable ?
ps i try and stretch my legs every night if i can

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have always wanted to be able to do the splits and be really flexable l;ike a real ballet dancer but my mum says that you ussally have to start when you are really young im 13 has anyone got any tips on how to become more flexable ?
ps i try and stretch my legs every night if i can

I had to work a while to get my left splits. I am now working on my right splits. Because I stretch everyday, my right side is becoming more flexible. The process does not happen overnight. Nor will it happen if you're only stretching a few muscles for a few minutes. You've got to stretch as many leg, hip, and butt muscles as you can, each day. Ask your dance teacher about different stretches that will allow you to do this.

Be sure to warm up before you begin stretching, too. Do a couple of jumping jacks, or run in a circle. Keep leg warmers or pants on while stretching to keep them warm and flexible. If you're really tight or stiff, fill a sock with uncooked white rice and heat it up in the microwave to make your own heating pad. Rub it on your tight muscles to get them to loose before you stretch. It really helps!

Don't forget to stretch after dance class, working out, running, or any other activity that had your body working hard.

Hope I helped!

You need to stretch. It may take a while, but as you start to make progress, the rest will become easier and easier.

You should try to stretch several times a day. Maybe once in the morning and once in the evening to start with. Just do all sorts of leg stretches as well as try doing the splits daily. Go down,take a breath, and as you breathe out, try to go a little farther. Do that on each out breath.
You just have to do it alot to get down farther.

just keep at it. your body will not become flexible overnight so don't just do a couple of minutes stretching a day, take some time to warm up and stretch your whole body.

but the important thing is to warm up first or you could badly injure yourself.

im 15 and only really started stretching a couple of years ago, but i have kept stretching and am now very flexible

Yes, ballet dancers usually start younger but at 13, you're still young enough to catch up.

There's no shortcut to becoming flexible, it's a case of stretching, stretching and stretching some more. Make sure you stretch properly right after exercise, so your muscles don't tense up and become shorter.

Night-time is a good time to stretch because most people are at their most flexible then. How long are you stretching for? For the splits, you need to stretch the front and back of the thigh on both sides, plus your glutes and calves, so you should set aside half an hour or so to do it properly. If you're not sure how, get yourself a DVD on stretching.