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Position:Home>Dancing> How not to be embarresed to ask some one to dance with you?

Question:I'm 14 and i have social dancing at school how can i stop being embarresed to aska boy to dance instead of ending up with a boy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm 14 and i have social dancing at school how can i stop being embarresed to aska boy to dance instead of ending up with a boy

Just be brave, walk up to him, smile, and ask him!
It's what I did when I told my crush I liked him! And it worked out great!

c o n f i d e n c e, my friend ;).

First, realize that it is not a big deal to dance with someone, so it can not be a big deal to ask for a is just a DANCE, not a lifetime commitment.
No one should ever turn you down, unless they are actually too tired or have to go to the bathroom!
Dance because you like it, not because you like the person!