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Position:Home>Dancing> Can you help me find a web site for ann arbor ballet theater? It is a dance comp

Question:Unfortunately, they don't have a web site.

The Ann Arbor Ballet Theatre is the student company of the CAS Ballet Theatre school:
548 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-2942

Their Nutcracker performance is on Saturday (2 and 8 pm) and Sunday (2 pm), December 15-16th. For tickets, $24 (adults), $20 (students & seniors) and $14 (children under 12), call 734-763-TKTS or visit the Michigan Union Ticket Office.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Unfortunately, they don't have a web site.

The Ann Arbor Ballet Theatre is the student company of the CAS Ballet Theatre school:
548 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(734) 662-2942

Their Nutcracker performance is on Saturday (2 and 8 pm) and Sunday (2 pm), December 15-16th. For tickets, $24 (adults), $20 (students & seniors) and $14 (children under 12), call 734-763-TKTS or visit the Michigan Union Ticket Office.

Odd. Though they seem to be a large company, I find no website for them. They may be umbrellad under a broader arts group.