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Position:Home>Dancing> I never grinded! help?

Question:First please don't tell me that i don't have to grind if i don't want to because i 100% want to grind but i never did it and i'm scared to not do it good i mean really how do you grind!! i need help!! please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: First please don't tell me that i don't have to grind if i don't want to because i 100% want to grind but i never did it and i'm scared to not do it good i mean really how do you grind!! i need help!! please

Grinding is the easiest dance move ever! And no one will think you aren't doing it right, it's not the sort of thing someone can look at critically. Do you ever hear "Wow, that girl is really good at grinding!"? There is no good or bad grinding, it's all just grinding.
Anyway, all you do is move your pelvis in a figure 8 motion, following his. In my experience the guy usually leads, so all you have to do is have your pelvis follow his. If you're dancing with someone and you want to coax them into a grind, just press up against him and move your hips!



lol thats the funniest thing ever. what are u gay. lolololol

Guys don't grind, girls do who want to show they are....available? Ready? Getting paid? I don't know why a girl would do that at a dance, just in a gentlemen's club.