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Position:Home>Dancing> In jazz/hiphop do you have to learn pointe?

Question:Also, is jazz/hiphop hard?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Also, is jazz/hiphop hard?

I learned hiphop last year and I continue this year. You have to learn pointe anyway. Maybe you won't use it all the time, but you have to know and to practice. In jazz you really have to learn pointe! I learned jazz 2 years.
It's a lot of fun, I suggest u to try it.
=] good luck, enjoy.

No you dont generally learn pointe......and yes it can be hard it depends how natural you take to it!!

Once you have had some lessons though you will get the hang of things.....its great fun and a great workout go for it!!! I love it!!! especially jazz =D

Honey, pointe is ballet, not jazz, and NOT hiphop!
And like any other dance, if you sign up for intermediate or w/e it will be hard, but beginner...not hard at all.

No you dont. Pointe is ballet and Jazz/HipHop is interpretive dance mostly. So no you dont.

Pointe and jazz/hiphop are totally unrelated. Pointe is only for ballerinas with lot's of training. Jazz/hiphop is an entirely different type of dance and movement.

Whether it's hard or not depends on how much experience you have, and what level class you are taking. If you are just beginning, whether it's hard or not has much to do with natural talent.

definatley not
and yes they are hard, and if you want to be a good jazz dancer you need to take ballet, but not pointe

i said hiphop