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Position:Home>Dancing> I online bullied my dance teacher?

Question:Ages ago my dance teacher told me my ballroom was "crap" & i should stick with latin. My dance partner and I were upset with her comment so we left.
Recently that teacher put a performance her & a student did on youtube.
I commented annonomously (i created a new account just for this) on all the faults and practically said it was crap (trust me it was).
She replied saying "If you've got nothing nice to say then dont say anything at all"
I replied a VERY nasty comment but didnt realise I was logged on to my usual account not the special one I created for commenting on her dancing.
I realised straight after and added the comment "oh by the way im on my friends account cos i lost my password".
I went on my usual account and changed my profile by saying i was from a different city.
The problem is I have friends at that studio who know my norml username so would reconise it was me, & my ex teacher would know if it was me if she went on any of my friends pages! What do I do?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ages ago my dance teacher told me my ballroom was "crap" & i should stick with latin. My dance partner and I were upset with her comment so we left.
Recently that teacher put a performance her & a student did on youtube.
I commented annonomously (i created a new account just for this) on all the faults and practically said it was crap (trust me it was).
She replied saying "If you've got nothing nice to say then dont say anything at all"
I replied a VERY nasty comment but didnt realise I was logged on to my usual account not the special one I created for commenting on her dancing.
I realised straight after and added the comment "oh by the way im on my friends account cos i lost my password".
I went on my usual account and changed my profile by saying i was from a different city.
The problem is I have friends at that studio who know my norml username so would reconise it was me, & my ex teacher would know if it was me if she went on any of my friends pages! What do I do?

Don't sweat it, chances are she got lots of negative responses & has brushed it off, she wont care where it came from. If she asks say I know, it was my friend, she may not believe you, you get that, if you fib. Let this be a lesson to you.
Don't put it in writing, don't say things you wouldn't say to there face. I know this is impossible somtimes, but try.
You sound remorsefull, let it go, it is all OK.
OK. everyone does silly things, teachers are used to having silly things done to them. Lots o love, it is all in the past, what is the worst that could happen.

Just delete the comment and you should be fine. I bullied my college english teacher one time for making assumptions about my age group. He said that all we were concerned with was smoking weed, drinking and wasting mommy and daddy's money. All of which I didn't think were very accurate as I have never smoked weed and I currently was working and paying for my education out right. I posted on his blog as username "thorn-in-your-side" and left a nasty little note filled with assumptions based on his age. The next week in class he apologized to everyone about what he had said. The best thing of all is that he never found out who wrote the post.

already know you're female lol

be honest ...if you get caught...
if not ....then dont worry about it.

Your teacher could be glad to see that you learned something, but there is a difference between saying, "that sucked" and making a suggestion of how to do something better.