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Position:Home>Dancing> Improve Latin Ballrom technigques?

Question:could you give me some tips? how to make my dancing interesting (sometimes I'm doing solo so I'd like to know how to make it interesting), how to improve technique?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: could you give me some tips? how to make my dancing interesting (sometimes I'm doing solo so I'd like to know how to make it interesting), how to improve technique?

I'm not sure what level of dancer you are, so it's a little hard to say. Generally soft knees, good hip action, and clear, sharp movements help (or slow sultry ones, if you're doing a rumba). I find the most noticeable dancers are the most expressive. Make sure you're not looking down. Be the dance - if it's a seductive rumba, have fire in your eyes and moves. If it's a playful cha cha, make sure you're smiling and looking as though you're having fun, and so on. Always dance with confidence (even if it's not there).

I hope this helps!

hey where do you live?

something tells me Thursday is always a good day to work on dance improvement. Practicing hip action and arm movement is always a good start. Just have fun!

Added you to my contacts, by the way!!

Hope this helps!
