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Position:Home>Dancing> Hi. I live in Chicago and I am gay - and cannot dance to save my soul! Where do

Question:So, should I take lessons? Where should I begin? Any recommendations? Thanks so much!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So, should I take lessons? Where should I begin? Any recommendations? Thanks so much!

you go to and type in "dance lessons chicago" or "dance studio chicago" theres soooo many places here where you can take classes.
Also, its a great idea to start going to clubs so u can start practicing, as practice does make perfect.
If you dont want to spend money, wait till summer theres this thing called summerdance(u can also type it into google for the site) during summer, downtown at grant park they have free outdoors dance lessons of all sorts in the evenings, 4 days of the week. its really fun and they have lots of choices: polka, swing, latin, jazz,etc. good luck.

Hi, I live in Detroit and I'm not gay. Lessons would be good, I would start there.

look up different dance steps on google.

Is this your way of letting us all know that your coming out?

Go to You Tube. You have to know how to do the Soulja Boy though.Everyones crankn it rit now.......... hope u learn!!!

Why shouldn't you take lessons? Dancing is for everyone! What you should begin with really depends on which dance genre you're interested in - hip hop, jazz, tap, ballet, etc.

Unfortunately I don't have any recommendations since I don't live in Chicago, but searching the web is a great way to start finding out! :D