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Position:Home>Dancing> How long will it take for me to get onto pointe?

Question:I started ballet when i was 2-6yrs and recently picked it up again (now im 22). I have a good turnout, strong feet and balance, as well as co-ordination. I have taken two ballet classes each week for 8 weeks so far and am wondering how much longer it will take until i could do pointe? Is strength all that matters?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I started ballet when i was 2-6yrs and recently picked it up again (now im 22). I have a good turnout, strong feet and balance, as well as co-ordination. I have taken two ballet classes each week for 8 weeks so far and am wondering how much longer it will take until i could do pointe? Is strength all that matters?

it all really depends on strength and technique...if you can't do something right in normal canvas shoes, chances are it will be more difficult to correct in pointe. so if you have the strength then focus on your technique...the sooner you get that the sooner your ballet teacher will allow you to start pointe.

but you sound like it wont be very long, because when your older, you can get ballet more and do it well then when you were little, so then its just a matter or strength and technique so its at least a one out of two so far so keep workin hard! =)

I had to be on demi-point for about 3-4 years before I could go on pointe, it depends on how strong your ankles are, so the lower classes on just plain flat ballet slippers don't really count.. In my studio, you have to take a certain number of hours a week to take certain classes on pointe, so it just depends on what your teacher feels is safe.

ive been dancing since i was 6ish, and when i turned 11-12 i was on full pointe. my first pointe class was barre and foot excersizes while on pointe to get used to the shoes and being up.

you do not want to rush into pointe. i would suggest you take ballet for another 1-2 years before going on pointe. you might want to ask your teachers these questions. ask them what types of excersies you can do to prepare for pointe

maybe 1/2 to a year to go

strength is balance

not yet

I did dancing at the age of three til i was 10, i had a 5 year break due to injury and started back up at 15. It took me a year to get onto pointe. It depends on your age, and ankle strength so you should be fine to go up in about a year. I'd ask your teachers though for a deffinate answer.
hope this helps :)