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Position:Home>Dancing> Can anyone give me a modern song that would be suited for dancing jive?

Question:Smiley Faces by Gnarls Barkley
Candyman by Christina Aguilera

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Smiley Faces by Gnarls Barkley
Candyman by Christina Aguilera

that one that goes,
--Check it out now, the funk soul brother---

No the closest I know if is that real old life savers commercial I saw on YouTube with these cartoon charachters from the 70s. It has the melody of Willie and the Hand Jive. Yeah I know it's kinda dorky that I know some ancient songs but so what?

jive dancing that is the name of the song


Your the one i want - from the movie Grease!
its pure GOLD!

well depending uh i would go with something stupid but yet kool to dance to i would go with the electric slide i dunno it sounds tacky but works

Are you talking about hand jive, like in Grease, or American Ballroom Jive?

If it's ballroom, any upbeat relatively fast song will probably work, except for ones with a Latin beat.

A romantic song or jazzy song

Fever by Beyonce