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Position:Home>Dancing> Your favorite dance?

Question:wats ur favorite dance? like break dancing, hip hop, ballroom, salsa, krump, popping, juke, contemporary, etc....and i guess we can count grinding althou i wouldnt really say thats a dance

my favorite is breakdancing followed very closely by krump

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: wats ur favorite dance? like break dancing, hip hop, ballroom, salsa, krump, popping, juke, contemporary, etc....and i guess we can count grinding althou i wouldnt really say thats a dance

my favorite is breakdancing followed very closely by krump

break dance

Mine is the Lap dance :)

eww gouy above me but I really like the jazz and ballet

Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Contemporary and Hiphop.

Favourite would have to be contemporary, followed by tap.

I can't do breakdancing/krump to save my liifeeeeeee!


contemportary is absolutely beautiful.

my true love is the ballet. i fell in love with it when i was little. it's so original. it is the basis for all other forms of dance.

sabar, djembe, wenge and soukous, dancehall reggae


My absolute favorite is contemporary ballet
but i also like classical ballet and modern

Latin Ballroom
cool question