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Position:Home>Dancing> Do you think dance is a sport?

Question:Some people think it's not cause its not a game. But ya know, that's not what sports are about. You get good at dance the same way as other spoets, and you get good at it the same way. It takes skill, and practis too. It has it's famos people and histories and vocabulary just like the rest! Sports are about seeing who can do the game better. They have that in dance. It's not just for girls either. The best ballarina in the world is a boy! So now do you think its a sport if you didn't before? If no why?

PS: I think it's a sport for all of the above. I'm in dance.
If you are too, what kind are you in? I'm in tap and ballet.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some people think it's not cause its not a game. But ya know, that's not what sports are about. You get good at dance the same way as other spoets, and you get good at it the same way. It takes skill, and practis too. It has it's famos people and histories and vocabulary just like the rest! Sports are about seeing who can do the game better. They have that in dance. It's not just for girls either. The best ballarina in the world is a boy! So now do you think its a sport if you didn't before? If no why?

PS: I think it's a sport for all of the above. I'm in dance.
If you are too, what kind are you in? I'm in tap and ballet.

I have danced my entire life and have even worked as a choreographer, and dance is definatly a sport. Plus there are loads of competitions to go to. There are winners and losers in dance just like every other sport. you have to be in good shape to dance well enough to win. Dance is the ultimate sport because unless you are on a team or with a partner it is all about you and your talent.

I think it is a sport because yooh move around alot.
(lol hope this answers ur question)

Here are some definitions of sport:
sport –noun 1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

Dancing definitely fits these definitions of a sport. It's a fun athletic activity that requires talent and can be very competitive. I am also in dance. I do ballet, tap, and jazz. I love dancing and think that being a good dancer requires just as much work as it does to be a good volleyball player. Dancing is totally a sport in my opinion!

Dance is so a sport. 2 main characteristics of sports are that you sweat and build muscles. Dance definitely does both of those. Plus, ballet was totally a try-out sport in the Olympics in like the 70's. It was only around once and they didn't give out medals but still. Also, if people consider cheer-leading a sport, dance is also. At some schools you can also do dance instead of PE or athletics so it should be a sport.

I do ballroom and latin or 'dancesport' as its known it the competitive world. They wouldnt called it dance-SPORT for no reason :o)

it bugs me when i tell people i dance and they say: "Is that a sport?" We work harder in dance practice everyday than any other sport does! If dance were easy and boring like most people think, it would be called football.

Yeah, i'd like to see everyone who says no to this question do the splits and a perfect turn.

yep definately a sport and may be more. I mean there are other terms that could equally apply for me . . . social, networking opportunity, lifestyle, addiction etc.
Swing and blues are my addictions although I also tend to dabble in everything.

A sport takes physical skill and is normally competeitive. Dance is both so of course its a sport! people who say it isnt a sport either dont know wat real dance is or they are just plain arrogant