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Position:Home>Dancing> What is the difference in the soles of Men's ballroom dance shoes and tango

Question:Which are the best to do Michael Jackson moonwalks in?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Which are the best to do Michael Jackson moonwalks in?

I use my ballroom shoes for tango, but tango shoes have a higher heals and some have smooth leather bottoms instead of suede. Both should work fine but tango shoes take a little getting used to.

thin shoes with a slick bottom... very little traction.

Isn't the Tango a dance? From what I know about ballroom dancing of men's dance shoes used for ballroom dances are the same shoes used to Tango. All dance shoes have thin suede soles, which are very smooth thereby making the dance steps easier to perform. Michael Jackson's moonwalks are not in my itinerary.