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Position:Home>Dancing> I need some dance moves to go with an upbeat dance- not to hard?

Question:Anyone got any websites i can go to where they explain them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Anyone got any websites i can go to where they explain them?

theres really no websites but i'll list a few.

backrolls- sit with your legs in front of you and move your body forward and then lean back and bring up your legs so they are folded in front of you.

then straighten your legs as you roll back onto your neck. stabalize yourself with one hand and then move your neck so you dont roll on it, then slide your feet down until your whole self is flat on the floor.

when you end one hand should be near your shoulder with your elbow up and the other flat on the side of you. this means you've done it correctly =)

u can also do this with a split. so when you straighten your legs you move one back so you do a quick split in the air.

this is the only one i can think of at the moment. but if you do turns and leaps and jumps you should find something that works =) good luck!