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Position:Home>Dancing> How can I be less stiff as a dancer?

Question:I'm not talking about being inflexible I mean to be able to move more fluently...?
** any tips on being more sharper with movement?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not talking about being inflexible I mean to be able to move more fluently...?
** any tips on being more sharper with movement?

don't rush things when you are dancing. act like your dancing through honey. and make sure you know the routine first, then when you know it really well go in front of the mirror and try it a few different ways and choose one you like the best. and last, meet with you teacher for help. with questions there will always be answers.

p.s. Dance like no one is watching

good luck

just exercise

just dont worry about it basically lol. thats the pointe of dance is its difficult but once you know what your doing. you can listen to the music and flow with it. only focusing on muscles that need to be focused on. so just listen and move "with" the music and the beats and all that jazz lol hope this helps! its kind of hard to tell someone how to flow so this was the best i could do haha

Try not to think about executing the moves perfectly
feel it and enjoy it that way it comes off more natural,
and don't look at how other people are dancing, trying to emulate other people's styles can be very misleading and confusing!

make sure you spot your head when you turn and you have good arms. learn your steps well and then learn your music well. so when you dance you dont worry about steps and you can just move with the music.

dance what you feel. dont conentrate so much adn let yourself "free". be crisp on your movements, but dont try too hard.

practice enough that you know exactly what you're doing. Then when you can do the movement without thinking about it you can just let the movement flow. Also remember to relax, only use the muscles you need to and let the rest of them go. Tensing up all your muscles all the time will make you really tense and stiff. Otherwise it just takes practice and it'll come with time. =]

its not really sumthing u can learn. most people r just born with the natural ability 2 move with the music. u can't really over analyze the steps. just move with the music. u have 2 lose all inhibitions. watevr u feel needs 2 b brought 2 the dance floor. and every movement needs 2 b finished, every line needs 2 be followed threw. its also helps not 2 b heavy on ur feet. just relax with it.

Lay off the junk food such, fast food, cold cuts, and soda because that junk drains all your precious energy, makes you sluggish and interfers with your natural ability to be flexible.

Also, drink more milk, always stretch before and after exercising, especially ballet, jazz, and tap.

Do the splits and hold it for 10 seconds before going out of it, then gradually hold the splits for 20 seconds.
Run the around the small track, work on the stairmaster, and arm exercises with free weights.

Work out for about 40 minutes everyday.

Well to be less stiff my ballet teacher says to go longer; reach your arms out longer; without bending over; make your foot appear longer. Longer, longer, longer.

and for sharpness my jazz teacher says more power behind your muscles and faster movements.

exercise would help u